Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year 2009

Dear All,

Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi wishes ***HAPPY NEW YEAR - 2009*** for all the Library Science Professionals.

Send this eCard !


Monday, December 15, 2008

Grand Success by Amitash Kumar Shah Gond

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you all that Mr. Amitash Kumar Shah Gond has got success in interview of Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh for the post of Librarian in Inter Colleges of Uttar Pradesh held on November, 2008 at Allahabad. He is posted at Jhansi by the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh. He was the student of 2004-2006 batch from the Department.

Department blesses him for his better future and life.


Grand Success by Students of Department

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you all that our few students have got success in interview of Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi for one year programme of Library Trainee (Apprenticeship). The detailed list of finally selected students are hereunder:

1. Mr. Vinay Prabhakar Mishra

2. Mr. Mukesh Kumar Jha

3. Mr. Vikrant Kumar

Department blesses all of the successful students for their better future and life.


First Refresher Course in Library & Information Science at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi successfully completed

Dear All,

First Refresher Course in Library & Information Science at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi has organised successfully from November 22, 2008 to December 12, 2008 by the Department. The valedictory function of the course was chaired by Prof. Avadh Ram, Vice-Chancellor, Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth, Varanasi as the Chief Guest, Sri L. M. P. Singh, Former University Librarian, BHU as the President, Prof. H. N. Prasad, Co-ordinator of the Refresher Course and Prof. Kumar Pankaj, Director, UGC-Academic Staff College, BHU, Varanasi. Prof. Avadh Ram has distributed the certificates to the participants. Dr. Virendra Kumar Mishra, Assistant Librarian, BHU has pointed out the experience of referesher course from the side of participants. The momento were given to the Coordinator of the course and Director of the Academic Staff College from the side of participants for successful completion of course. The Chief Guest and the President of the valedictory function were honoured by the Coordinator of the course. Prof. Avadh Ram and others have inaugurated the programme with lighting the lamp and a short message to the participants. All the Participants, Research Scholars, Students & Non Teaching Staffs attended the programme. Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee, Lecturer at DLIS, BHU has anchored the programme.


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Dr. Aditya Tripathi, Lecturer attends ASWS-2008 Workshop at Bangkok, Thailand

Dear All,

Dr. Aditya Tripathi, Lecturer in the Department gone to Bangkok, Thailand for attending Asian Semantic Web School (ASWS-2008) Workshop from 8th-12th December, 2008.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

National Seminar on Open Source Library Solutions (OSLS)

Dear All,

Department of Library & Information Science, BHU & Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi are jointly going to organise National Seminar On Open Source Library Solutions (OSLS) on 16th - 17th January, 2009.

About Seminar: The rising cost of technology has compelled the libraries to use Open Source Software (OSS) for library automation, digital library and so on. OSSs are developed in public domain by the technology experts for the libraries. The professional community implements the software solutions and renders feedback to developers, which is a real time testing of software.

The OSS products are provided with source code for implementation level customization and future development of software. These solutions are often free for use and could be redistributed. Today, there are OSSs available for different library activities which are better than the commercial solutions using cutting age technology. These solutions range from Operating System to specialized institutional repositories.

This has made the library services more cost effective and least dependent on commercial software and vendors. However, there is a concern of the professionals over stability of software implementation and continuing support to these OSSs. There is an equal and opposite concern from the end of developers also towards having a sustainable funding for running the software development projects. Whatever the concerns may be, the increased use of open source software among the library community is very encouraging for open source solution developers.

The Department of Library and Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi proposes to conduct two days National Convention on Open Source Library Solutions (OSLS), 16th – 17th January, 2009. The proposed seminar would provide a common platform for library professionals to share their experience.

Research papers, demonstration and case-studies are invited for presentation and discussion during the convention in following areas:

Implementation of OSS in:- Library automation, Digital repositories, Digital preservation, Consortium planning, Community education, Office management, Content development, Event management, E-publishing, Knowledge management, E-governance, Community networks.

Target Participants: Practicing Librarians and Information Scientists, Faculty Members, Researchers, Students, Information System Personnel, Managers, etc.

Call for Papers: Full texts paper(s) in English (in A4 size, double space, not more than 10 pages) should be sent to the Organising Secretary, Deptt. of Library and Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi - 221005. Last date for submission of full texts of paper(s) is 20.12.2009.

Registration: Rs. 500/- per participant. The DD / Cash payable in favour of "National Seminar on Open Source Library Solutions", payable at Varanasi. The Registration Fee includes -Conference Kit & Working Lunch / Tea.

Accommodation: Limited accommodation is available on payment basis on first come first basis.

For further enquiry please contact:

Prof. H. N. PRASAD
Head, Deptt. of Library and Information Science
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221 005
Tel: +91 542 6701028 (Off.) +91 9415336709 (Mob.)

Organising Secretary
Lecturer, Deptt. of Library and Information Science
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi- 221 005
Tel: +91 542 6701027 (Off.) +91 9450710628 (Mob.)

Registration Form: Registration form can be downloaded from the Department's website or directly from the URL

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

KVS Qualified (Final Selection) Students from the Department

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you all that our few students have got final selection in interview of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi, as result declared on 12.11.2008. The interviews were held on 10th October, 2008 to 13th October, 2008. The detailed list of finally selected students are hereunder:

Department blesses all of the successful students for their better future and life.

Note: The above list is indicative as known to the Department.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Grand Success by Sriram Pandey

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you all that Mr. Sriram Pandey has got success in UGC - NET exams of June, 2008. He has qualified UGC - NET as Junior Research Fellow (JRF) result declared by UGC on 05.11.08. Presently, He is working as Librarian at Jaipur based LNM Institute of Technology. He was the student of 2005-2007 batch from the Department.

Department blesses him for their better future and life.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

Referesher Course in Library & Information Science : Change of Date

Dear All,

First Refresher Course in Library & Information Science at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi will now be organised from November 22, 2008 to December 12, 2008. Earlier it was announced to be held fron October 31, 2008 to November 20, 2008. The Lecturers / College Librarians / Assistant Librarians etc. interested in attending the Refresher Course in Library & Information Science may submit their application in the prescribed form and send it directly to the:

UGC - Academic Staff College
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221005 (INDIA)

Forms can be downloaded from the website

Note: Application for a programme must reach the office at least 45 days prior to the commencement of the programme.

Friday, October 3, 2008

SRIJAN : A New Formation (Videos)

Dear All,

Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi has celebrated "SRIJAN : A New Formation" on 30th of September, 2008. There is a videoclips from the album of "SRIJAN: A New Formation".


SRIJAN : A New Formation (Photographs)

Dear All,
Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi has celebrated "SRIJAN : A New Formation" on 30th of September, 2008. There are some photographs from the album of "SRIJAN: A New Formation".


Thursday, October 2, 2008

SRIJAN : A New Formation

Dear All,

Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi has celebrated "SRIJAN : A New Formation" on 30th of September, 2008. Students of M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. - IIIrd Semester have celebrated Fresher's Party with the students of M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. - Ist Semester. Prof. H. N. Prasad has inaugurated the programme with lighting the lamp and a short message to the students. All the Faculty Members, Research Scholars, Students & Non Teaching Staffs attended the programme. Mr. Ramesh Kumar Ojha & Ms. Pragya Pandey has been selected as Mister Fresher & Miss Fresher respectively.

Mr. Prashant Kumar (MLIS-IIIrd Sem.) had taken charge of this successful function. All the MLIS - IIIrd Sem. students have contributed to make it successful. This function will be trend setter for future.

Department blesses all the students to their active participation in the programme.


Wednesday, October 1, 2008

News of Research Zone

Dear All,

Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi has admitted the four new research scholars in the Department in the current session (July session). The details are hereunder:

Name of the Guide: Prof. H. N. Prasad

Research Scholars:
1. Mr. Navin Kumar Upadhyay (Employee, General)
2. Mr. Sanjay Kumar (JRF, SC)

Name of the Guide: Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee

Research Scholars:
1. Mr. Mohammad Nazim (Employee, OBC)
2. Mr. Prashant Kumar (JRF, OBC)

Department Welcomes all the newly admitted Research Scholars


Sunday, September 28, 2008

Now DLIS News in Your Mailbox (News Mail Service)

Dear All,

Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi is now planning to provide latest information of the Department in mailbox directly. So, it is a kind request to the alumnies, faculty, students of the Department & others to send their email address with necessary information (i.e. Name, Post, Working Institution, Phone no., etc.) in the following email account : with the subject "News Mail Service". The Department will accept your request for the above said after confirmation.

Thanks with regards.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Qualified Students for Interview of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you all that our few students have got success in written exam of Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, New Delhi and qualified for Interveiw which will be started on 10th October, 2008 to 13th October, 2008. The detailed list of qualified students are hereunder:

Department blesses all of the successful students for their better future and life.
If any student want guidelines regarding interview, can contact to the Faculty of the Department or Co-ordinator of Placement Cell of the Department.
Note: The above list is indicative as known to the Department.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Successful Students of the Department

Dear All,

We are very glad to inform you all that our few students have got success in jobs at various organisations in last few days. The detailed list of successful students are hereunder:

1. Ms. Maya Devi, Assistant Librarian, Chaudhary Devi Lal University, Sirsa, Haryana.

2. Mr. Vipin Kumar, Technical Assistant, NTRO, New Delhi.

3. Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Singh, Assistant Librarian, Galgotia Institute of Management Sciences, Noida.

4. Mr. Neeraj Mishra, Assistant Librarian, Galgotia Institute of Management Sciences, Noida.

5. Ms. Pallavi, Library Assistant, XLRI, Jamshedpur.

6. Mr. Rajivaksh Tripathi, Library Assistant, XLRI, Jamshedpur.

7. Mr. Pankaj Kumar Jha, Library Assistant, XLRI, Jamshedpur.

8. Mr. Pankaj Sharma, Professional Assistant, DRDO, Chennai.

9. Mr. Sriram Pandey, Librarian, LNM IIT, Jaipur.

Department blesses all of the successful students for their better future and life.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Teacher's Day Celebrations at Department

Dear All,

M. Lib. & Inf. Science students of the Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi have celebrated Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan's Birthday (Teacher's Day) on 5th September, 2008 after 02.00 p.m. at the Department. Prof. H. N. Prasad, Dr. A. P. Singh, Dr. Aditya Tripathi, Dr. Bhaskar Mukherjee and Dr. Rajani Mishra were honoured by the students. Prof. H N Prasad has inaugurated the programme by lighting the lamp.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Dr. A P Singh, Reader attends IFLA Conference

Dr A P Singh, Reader in the Department has gone to Canada for attending IFLA Conference from 10-14 August 2008.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Construction of First Floor of the Department

The Department received grant of Rs. 20,00,000/- for partial construction of the first floor of the Department in order to create more space for classroom, computer laboratory, seminar hall etc. The construction work is already in progress.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Department of Library & Information Science, BHU has formed Training & Placement Cell

The Department has established Training & Placement Cell for providing better job opportunities to the students of the Department in Government / Corporate sectors. The Department is starting apprenticeship training (since 2008) to the M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. students in order to provide them on the job training with the aim to develop professional proficiency & to provide them necessary experience of working in a library to gain working knowledge of automation work, online information handling. The apprenticeship training programme is optional

Details about this apprenticeship training programme is given below:

Programme: Apprenticeship training for the students of M. Lib. & Inf. Sc.
Duration: The programme will be for 12 months starting from July.
Venue: University Library System of Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
Stipend: A stipend of Rs. 3,000/- per month to each student undergoing the apprenticeship will be paid.
Intake of Students: Thirty (30) only.

Criteria For Selection:

(A) The Apprenticeship programme will be available to those students who have completed M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. course from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi.
(B) The Head of Department, Library & Information Science will invite the applications from students interested for apprenticeship training and a committee consisting of members of Department will finalize the students to be enrolled for apprenticeship and placement.
(C) The Head of Department, Library & Information Science will invite the requisition from different libraries of Banaras Hindu University regarding the number of
students to be accomodated for apprenticeship in respective libraries.

For any query in this regard, contact to

Dr. Aditya Tripathi
Co-ordinator, Training & Placement Cell
Department of Library & Information Science
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi

on Department's email address

Thursday, July 17, 2008

100% Placement of MLIS Students of the Department

Department of Library & Information Science, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi has started Training & Placement of students in various Departments / Institutes / Governmental organizations / NGOs / Schools etc. as Library Trainees / Library Interns / Apprenticeships / Library Assistants etc. In this regard, current year passed out batch is placed in various Departments / Institutes of BHU, Varanasi. Besides this, three students have been selected for the Library of XLRI, Jamshedpur, Jharkhand, INDIA. Few students are in process. For more details see

Friday, July 11, 2008

Counseling dates for the admission in M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. and Post Graduate Diploma in Manuscriptology (P.G.D.M.) courses

Department has announced counseling dates for the admission in M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. and Post Graduate Diploma in Manuscriptology (P.G.D.M.) courses.


M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. (Main list) - 14.07.2008
M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. (Waiting list) - 24.07.2008
P.G.D.M. (Main list) - 18.07.2008
M. Lib. & Inf. Sc. (Paid seat) - declared later

Friday, July 4, 2008

Refresher Course in Library & Information Science

First Refresher Course in Library & Information Science at Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi is being organised from October 31, 2008 to November 20, 2008। The Lecturers / College Librarians / Assistant Librarians etc। interested in attending the Refresher Course in Library & Information Science may submit their application in the prescribed form and send it directly to the:

UGC - Academic Staff College
Banaras Hindu University
Varanasi - 221005 (INDIA)

Forms can be downloaded from the website

Note: Application for a programme must reach the office at least 45 days prior to the commencement of the programme.